We offer a variety of groups for adults to connect in smaller community both online and in person.
In Crosspointe's Groups, our goal is to have a chance to discuss and think out loud regarding what it means to be a person of faith no matter where you are with faith through connecting with others in our community.
Sometimes, it's study.
Sometimes, it's eating and laughing.
Always, it is people having a chance outside the anonymity of a church service to have a shot at being real, being known, and being part of what God is up to in our corner of the world.
Details for upcoming Winter 2025 Groups can be found below. Register here!
West Cary Life Group
Every other Wednesday, In-Person from 6:30-8:00pm | Begins March 26th
This group meets on a regular basis in varying locations throughout the Cary/Morrisville/South Durham area.
Registration is limited to 7 participants; open to all adults.
Facilitated by Ken Gregory and Kymm Ballard
Online Life Group
Every other Sunday | 6:30pm
This new group will be ongoing, meeting regularly online for conversation and study.
Registration is limited to 14 participants; open to all adults.
Facilitated by Karen James
Community Garden
Volunteer Opportunities Available | March - June
This group has regularly scheduled garden workday opportunities. No experience or long-term commitment necessary. All ages are welcome!
Craftivist Book Club
Every other Sunday, In-Person from 2:00-4:00pm | 4/6, 5/4, 5/18
Pairing education, advocacy, and grounding through creativity allows us to hold space for ourselves while working toward lasting change. This group is a hybrid book club, advocacy group, and craft circle, blending education, activism, and creative grounding to foster an inclusive and empowered community.
Facilitated by Jessa Smith
Sunday Morning Book Club: Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Every other Sunday, In-Person from 11:30am-1:00pm | 3/30, 4/27
This group will meet in the Crosspointe Community Room for study and discussion with the option to go to lunch afterward.
Facilitated by Patricia Deverka
Young Adults: A group for adults post-college through fortyish (no childcare provided)
Every other Sunday, In-Person from 11:30am-1:00pm | 4/6, 4/20, 5/4, 5/18, 6/1
This group will meet in the Crosspointe Community Room for conversation.
Wake Up Man: An ongoing, online group for anyone identifying as male
Every Wednesday, Online at 7:00-7:59am
Facilitated by Steve Daugherty
Unpolished: An ongoing, online group for anyone identifying as female
Every Other Wednesday, Online at 7:00pm | 4/2, 4/16
Facilitated by Jen Donnelly | Visit the link for more information.
Prime Timers: A group for empty-nesters, retirees, and anyone in-between
Monthly Volunteer Opportunities Available
This group meets for community activities and service. Visit the link to find out the available ways to participate and learn more.
Book Discussion
Sunday, April 27th | Online from 6:30-8:00pm
"Learning to Walk in the Dark" by Barbara Brown Taylor
Facilitated by Tirzah Turner | A link to join will be shared with registered participants.
Parenting can be difficult and no one understands the struggles like a fellow parent. Whether you're dealing with a big scary parenting problem, celebrating a major family victory or just trudging through daily life-being in relationship with and spending time with other parents is one of the best things you can do. With this in mind, we offer gatherings for parents in specific stages of life periodically throughout the year.
Cary Group
This group gathers once per month for various activities. Contact Tirzah for current details.