No. Crosspointe is a completely non-denominational community with people from almost every background imaginable.
Yes. Crosspointe Church is comprised of and affirms the entire human family regardless of race, age, creed, physical abilities, marital or economic status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. If you’d like to hear a teaching that speaks more specifically to the heart behind this question, you can find that here.
Casual is definitely the norm, though you're welcome to dress however you'd like.
Hundreds of people regularly serve together to provide a great experience for each age group of children. "What's the best style of music to engage a preschooler?" "What teaching style best connects with a 4th grader?" "What type of room design will enhance their experience?" These types of questions are routinely asked to make every Sunday great. Our hope is that every child will begin to understand God's love, and that God's Ways lead to the best life possible in a fun, safe, creative, nurturing environment designed just for them. For more detailed information, check out our children's ministries.
Both our Middle School and High School ministries are committed to providing engaging environments for students to connect with one another and to adult mentors while pursuing a life-changing relationship with Christ. For more detailed information, check out our student ministry pages.
A lot. However, we're more concerned with discovering what it means to actually live what we say we believe. If you’re interested in seeing values that shape and guide our church, you can find them here. If you’d like to hear a set of foundational teachings we did on key topics (the Bible, the Gospel, where the ideas around Hell came from, Science and Faith, Why Love is the Point, End Times Rhetoric, etc.), you can find the playlist for that entire series, Weapons & Balm, here.
Contact our office by email or by phone at (919) 469-9111.
Perhaps a LifeGroup would suit you. To get connected with one, send an email here. There are several other opportunities to use your talents and skills to partner with us on Crosspointe's mission and in doing so, meet several like-minded people. Click here to find out how to get involved in a volunteer role on a Sunday.
Crosspointe has a Board of Elders that voluntarily serve to provide oversight for the health of the community. The Lead Pastor oversees all of the Leadership Staff. Together, we all work toward casting and implementing the vision for Crosspointe, equipping and empowering those participating in the community, and handling most of the day-to-day responsibilities and decisions.
All of the offerings go to accomplish the vision we feel God has called us on together as a community. Resources are used to serve the best interests of people in need throughout the Triangle and strategic places around the globe. Also, resources are used to create environments for kids, students, and adults where they can engage at their own pace, be honest, be challenged, be loved, find community, and experience the grace and love of Christ. They are also used for the administrative and operational expenses of the church community.
Additionally, our belief in good stewardship of the resources entrusted to us through the financial contributions of Crosspointe families led us to build a YMCA facility on our campus which was completed and opened in October of 2017. This important milestone is representative of the shared vision and heart that both Crosspointe and The YMCA of the Triangle have for the Northwest Cary community.
We maintain an open book policy on finances and provide an annual budget each year to anyone interested. Furthermore, we submit to regular outside audits to maintain the highest integrity possible. Contributions can be made either on a Sunday morning or online. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our finance team.