Your high schooler is incredibly aware of conversations about politics — especially in an election year! They care deeply about the way political decisions can impact their daily lives, both today and in the future. Rather than talk about who they should or shouldn’t vote for, the goal in this standalone message is to help them understand how the way of Jesus helps them navigate the tensions surrounding politics with grace, love, and kindness.
WEEK 1: The way of Jesus means people are more important than policy. (Mark 2:23-28, John 8:1-11)
“...Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another. Galatians 5:13-15, NLT
Morning Time
As your teen starts their day, tell them they have what it takes to navigate any challenge this week.
Their Time
Practice listening without forming a response in your mind before your teen finishes talking.
Meal Time
At a meal this week, have everyone answer this question: “What are some ways we can love God and love people in how we talk about politics?”
Bed Time
Pray that you and your teen will represent Jesus in all that you think, say, and do.